Many people complain these days that nuts are too expensive.No problem! Today I offer you a very simple and affordable recipe for simple whole grain chocolate cookies.If you do n...
There are soups that you can eat every day, the soups that you never get tired of, those that are also cooked only from vegetables, so they are light and healthy.Yes, we are talk...
I love hummus and consider it one of the most delicious vegan dishes!Satiating and healthy: due to the high content of cellulose it cleans the body of bad cholesterol, and it is...
If you compare almonds and cashews you will see the following.1 cup almonds equals 546 calories, and 1 cup of cashews – 768 calories. Cashew contains more sugar (7 g.) than almon...
Today we are cooking delicious pumpkin cakes and yes, with chocolate.Very delicate, instantly melting in the mouth.They do not contain any flour, and the fastening element is cas...
In America, Easter has already passed, but in Russia, this holiday is yet to happen.Usually, in the States, the table is quite simple for Easter, but there is often a sweet cake...
I know that most of my website visitors are either vegans, or raw-eaters, in one word “sectarians” hehe.But there are other, “regular” people who love meat, fish, pasta, and they...
It’s still cold outside but the body is demanding warmth, bright colors and juicy summer fruits.Today we are cooking an amazingly beautiful, fragrant and, as always, healthy cake...
To be honest, I was lost when I tried to name this recipe. Is it a cookie or a sweet? I stopped at a neutral “balls”. Delicious, crumbly, instantly melt in the mouth! This is pu...
Who among us does not like strudel?Warm, tastes like an apple, with raisins and a delicate aroma of cinnamon! Today, we are cooking a vegan version of everyone’s favorite dish.Th...
Today we are cooking an absolutely dietary soup.Boiled vegetables are easy to digest, so this soup can become an excellent dish not only for people who want to lose a few extra p...
Sometimes, when there is absolutely no time to cook, I make an elementary, but stunningly tasty chocolate cake in a mug.Put it in the microwave for 50 seconds and done! Simple an...
Cranberries are a very winter product for me.When I lived in Russia, my mother always froze them for future use in order to cook different compotes during the winter.I would not...
I often hear about nuts allergies. Alas, a lot of people, including children suffer with it.Studies on this topic argue that such allergies occur during pregnancy, when the futur...
This is my new favorite salad! Easy to cook, juicy, delicious, fragrant and very healthy.This salad is appropriate as a main dish or as a side dish for any meal.An unusual combin...