Candies! Sometimes you want to eat one or two … or three! Sounds familiar, right?Today we’re cooking an excellent substitute for the usual sweets that contain a large amount of s...
I really like hazelnuts, I have loved it since my childhood.My grandmother always put a handful of these nuts in my pocket when I went to school.Years passed, and now this nut is...
Healthy dessert, anyone?Here you go!Today we’re cooking a very tasty, hearty, almost raw roll with delicious chocolate date jam.Beautiful, healthy, consisting of only a few ingre...
I eat soups often.Sometimes you want something light and transparent, and sometimes, when it rains outside the soul asks for something warm and cozy so I cook thick soups.Usually...
Today we’re cooking a healthy and tasty pizza for raw foodists.I will say right away that it’s not recommended to cook such a pizza whilst hungry, otherwise, instead of pizza, yo...
I love pumpkin baked products!Today we’re cooking an incredible pumpkin cake, or as they would say in America, bread.Soft, juicy, and sweet.I do not use all-purpose flour in my r...
Figs! Such a strange, unusual and very healthy fruit. A 1/2 cup of figs contains 74 calories and 1 g of fat.The most impressive element of the fig is cellulose, which lowers chol...
Today we’re making our favorite cookies.Sweet, fragrant, slightly soft, melt in the mouth! In my opinion, this is the most basic cookie recipe. It is easy to understand, simple t...
During my culinary practice, I managed to cook different types of ice cream, but this, in my opinion, is the most delicious one!It is creamy, incredibly appetizing to look at, an...
This soup is amazingly tasty, simple and very healthy!Cream soups are my favorite: they fill, are easily digested, look beautiful and often do not contain a large number of color...
My family is divided into two groups.The children who love everything chocolate, and my husband and I who prefer fruit and berries.How can I please everyone?How can I please ever...
Fantastic! Such healthy fritters exist, can you believe it?Today we are preparing a very healthy and delicious breakfast, although I would not refuse these for dinner or lunch, h...
This is my favorite raw dessert!For the first time I made it for my children on their birthday, and they were completely ecstatic. This raw dessert is cooked very easily, literal...
Today we are cooking a wonderful peach pie.A delicate crusty pastry, juicy peaches, sweet and thick cream – and very healthy at the same time!You don’t even have to bake this pie...
Americans drink a lot of lemonade.It can be found in any store, menu of any cafe, a lot of cocktails and even ice creams are made with it. Everyone loves to drink lemonade, but n...