Today we are cooking a new and delicious garnish. I love rice, but can’t eat it in its pure form.I want something unusual, so our today’s recipe is not a simple rice recipe, but...
The peach season has started. Although they grow peaches in California, it is difficult to find really delicious ones.For some reason, they rarely have that rich taste and aroma...
After I published my wonderful zucchini pancakes recipe, I received a lot of thanks.“Right on time, it’s the season for these vegetables,” you guys said. “Everything is good in i...
Usually, in creating my own recipes, I completely focus on the needs of my family, but sometimes I make an exception and happily accept requests for the dishes that you like.Toda...
I’ve never been a big fan of caramel.There is nothing healthy in “burnt sugar”.But when faced with the request of my children to try “something caramel”,I decided to come up with...
Today is a special day. Well… every July 27th we have a special day.Why?Today your favorite culinary expert was born – me!To beautifully celebrate this event (35 is not a joke),...
The plum season is here! They are so beautiful and fragrant!How can you not want to buy some and cook a plum pie?Here is an excellent summer recipe for a vegan-friendly dessert w...
Today we are cooking sweets, or more precisely, soft and very spicy lemon balls from cashew.Simple, delicious and very healthy.They do not have extra oil, except for the one natu...
Today we’re making an excellent salad!It’s summer after all, and your diet should be light, but nutritious.My light salad consists of useful beets, pumpkins and chickpeas. It get...
So summer has arrived!On the one hand, it is wonderful: warm, and sunny, but on the other … – children have holidays, which means that “Mom, I want something!” sounds are heard i...
Soups are our best friend in winter! Nothing is warmer and heartier than a good vegetable soup. That’s right!The soul is warmed and the body feels good, thanks to the soup. Boile...
Are you avoiding candies? Don’t like cookies? No problem! Today we’re cooking a harmless dessert – pear chips.Everyone can cook these crisps. Sweet, delicious, without extra calo...
Recently, I visited one children’s school where it is strictly forbidden to bring nut products.The rules vary from place to place. For example, in the school where my children go...
In many parts of the world it is already warm, and in some places, even hot.I’m jealous!In California, the beginning of summer is not for the weak: it’s cold and windy.Despite th...
Today, pasta is our culinary theme.I’m presenting you with a new and very delicious spaghetti recipe, not just a regular one, but vegan.With eggplants and mushrooms!How could you...