Today we are cooking an absolutely stunning cold farro garnish or salad if you will.In Russia, this ancient cereal is called “polba”. Farro contains gluten, but a very small dose...
Vegetables / Fruits / Nuts / Groats
There are some recipes that do not seem to be anything special, but then guests come to my house, taste the dish, are amazed and demand I publish this “masterpiece” on my page. W...
I’m asked a lot of questions about different recipes: how to cook it, what to replace it with, how to mix something? The two main questions are: what kind of blenders do I use an...
I was asked many times to share this vegan cheese recipe with you.Here you have it: the recipe!This delicious cheese is very easy to cook, consists of just a few ingredients, and...
I really like hummus!If, in your world, hummus can be only of one type, experiment! In mine, it can be made of anything. Today we’re cooking the most delicious hummus of all – pu...
Today we’re cooking a very unusual dish – a joy for those who want to, but can not, give up on meat.Simple to cook, delicious, and, most importantly, healthy, this burger based o...
Today we’re cooking a delicious pumpkin curry, with eggplant and tofu!People are divided into several groups: those who do not like tofu, those who do not care for tofu, and thos...
I don’t eat omelettes: I don’t like the taste of fried eggs, and there is nothing healthy about them in this form, so they were absent from my menu … Until I tried the vegan vers...
Even despite our endless love for everything healthy, sometimes you want to eat a cup of crispy cornflakes or ricebubbles with milk or sugar for a breakfast, right?But, alas, oft...
In America, there are two dishes that are loved and cooked by almost everyone: pasta with cheese and meatballs.Today we are cooking the latter.They are usually made, of course, f...
Candies! Sometimes you want to eat one or two … or three! Sounds familiar, right?Today we’re cooking an excellent substitute for the usual sweets that contain a large amount of s...
Today we are cooking sweets for those who like chocolate bars like Bounty.There are no additional and questionable additives in my recipe, as for example in similar sweets by mas...
I love savings! With my huge family of five children – it’s not a whim, but a necessity.In this case, the savings are also surprisingly healthy, as you do not buy a store product...
When I first tried these crackers, I realized that I found for myself a perfect breakfast!First, it is balanced, if you mix these crackers with berry smudges, and secondly, it is...
I love hummus and consider it one of the most delicious vegan dishes!Satiating and healthy: due to the high content of cellulose it cleans the body of bad cholesterol, and it is...