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No doubts, ginger bread house is an important part of our Christmas holidays.

Every kid and (I must confess) many adults are dying to have this treat on their table.

Unfortunately most of the store-bought houses have terrible ingredients and buying them will not make much sense for the families who prefer healthy alternatives. It’s full of sweets anyway so the dough must definitely be clean and edible.

I must warn you, it would not be a fast recipe. Making, building and decorating your house will take about 3 hours minimum. There will be always something to add, something to change.

But the process is pure fun particularly if you have your kids to help and someone to clean after you.
Because there will be a mess. Sweet Christmas mess! If you ready to try my crunchy, tasty and healthy recipe, go ahead! Let this party begin!

We will need:

1 cup (250 ml.) of white flour

1 cup of whole wheat flour

A pinch of baking powder

1/2-3/4 cup of brown sugar

1/2 cup of coconut oil

3-4 table spoons of molasses

2-3 table spoons of water or orange juice

Cinnamon, dry ginger, nutmeg

For the glaze

2 cups of powdered sugar

1/6 cup of any plant based milk

Any candy or marshmallows for decorations

Warm up your oven to 165C/325F.

Mix together flours, baking powder, sugar. Add spices.

Mix water, oil, juice, molasses. If the oil does not mix well, heat it up, then mix.

Combine dry and wet ingredients. Add some extra water if you feel that your dough is too dry. Keep in mind, it should be dry, so the walls do not bend under the weight of your decorations.

Kneel the dough.

Wrap it in plastic and put in the fridge to chill. 15 min will be enough for it.

Now you need to roll the dough.

More press it than roll, I would say.

Make it thin enough, don’t be afraid, it will make your house crunchy and tasty. Use the plastic wrap to avoid sticking.

Make the house parts then slowly transfer them to the pan. Be very careful because, I promise, you will not forgive yourself if a part will break.

Bake them until they are done - 15 min.
Let the parts cool off completely. This is very important, so they are safe to be used for decorations.

Mix everything for the glaze. It should be very thick.

Start building your house by using the largest parts first, add some glaze on the bottom so the house can be “glued” to the surface well. You will have to hparts together for some time so they stick and can be let standing alone.

Repeat with all the parts, where roof is the last you add to the picture.
Let the house set. You can easily put it in the fridge to speed up the process.

When the house is dry and ready you can finally start the “fun part” - the decorations.
Use your imagination and enjoy your creativity. Just keep in mind, gravity is a law not an illusion. Do not overload the roof!
That’s it! Keep your house in the fridge until ready to eat. It’s crunchy enough, sweet enough and very delicious. Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!
Чт, 29 Декабря 2022г. 07:49
Лида, здравствуйте Можно ли заменить мелассу сиропом, например, топинамбура. И можно ведь из этого теста сделать просто печенье?) Спасибо!

Чт, 29 Декабря 2022г. 13:03
Да, без проблем. Удачи!

Вт, 12 Октября 2021г. 02:44
Добрый день! А какую вы используете сахарную пудру? Ведь обычная пудра - не веганский продукт. Ему есть замена?

Вт, 12 Октября 2021г. 06:12
Как бы Вам ответить деликатнее…. Не нашла варианта, кроме как предложить Вам спуститься на землю, где пчёлы- насекомые, есть только 2 пола, а либерализм- ментальная болезнь. Хорошего дня.

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