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I love kohlrabi! I know many people don’t even know how to spell “kohlrabi” but this cabbage has been in my fridge all my life.

Kohlrabi is rich in iron, calcium and manganese. It has vitamin A, carotene and high in antioxidants.

It has a wonderful and juice texture, can be eaten raw (will definitely publish some salad recipes later) or cooked. Today I am showing you my favorite easy recipe. Soup that takes about 20 minutes to cook, consists of only 4 ingredients and is extremely delicious.

I am sure you are going to love this soup!

Ready? Let’s start cooking!

We will need:

1 kohlrabi 

1 zucchini 

2 small garlic cloves

2 cups of water or any broth

1/4 cup (1 cup - 250 ml)of any milk (I use soy milk)

Olive oil, salt (to taste)

Peel you kohlrabi, chop the top green leaves as well, don’t toss it. They are addable and taste similar to the chard greens. Peel the garlic. 

Chop it along side with the zucchini.

Pour some oil in the pan, sauté your vegetables.

Add water. Boil till vegetables are ready.

Remove the broth to a separate container. You can use it later to adjust the thickness of your soup.

Blend the vegetables with some milk, add salt and broth if needed.

Serve hot with some seeds and olive oil.



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