I must admit, hazelnuts are not the most popular nuts in the USA. I would say they are the least popular ones actually. Americans maybe big fans of Nutella, but that would be it. What can I say, it a pity because this nut has everything you can imagine for the unique taste experience and multiple health-related reasons. Hazelnuts are rich in vitamins B and E, can help lower your blood pressure and fight indigestion. This recipe did not come to me from nowhere. About a year ago I was walking on the cold street of Vienna, trying to find something healthy and tasty to eat. I found a tiny cute little store that was selling baked goods and that's where I first tried these amazing muffins. Of course they were not gluten-free and had much more of a sugary taste, but the idea was born. I decided to come back home to the USA and make something similar, but healthier for myself and my whole family. . So.. here we go! Today we are making these wonderful muffins that are crunchy on top but soft inside. My Vienna journey experience is now ready to be on your table in just a few moments. . Let’s go cooking! We will need: (9-10 small muffins) 1.3/4 cups of gluten-free oats + 1/2 cup for the texture 1 cup of hazelnuts (I use the plain one but you can use roasted as well) 1/2 table spoon of baking powder + pinch of soda 1/3 cup of brown sugar 3 table spoons of canola or vegetable oil 2 table spoon of orange juice (you can use apple juice instead) 1 cup of any plant based milk 1 tea spoon of apple cider 4 table spoons of raisins Dry ginger (to taste) Warm up your oven to 165C/325F. Grind your hazelnuts to make flour. Do the same with the 1.3/4 cup of oats. Leave the rest-1/2 for the texture. Combine both flours, sugar, soda, baking powder. Chop raisins. It will add some extra sweetness and flavor to your muffins. Mix together all wet ingredients with the dry ones, including 1/2 of oats. Add raisins. Mix well. Add ginger. Pour the dough into the muffin tins. Don’t be scared it will be a bit liquid, but that is how it should be. Bake till your muffins are ready! They should brown and smell delicious. 20 minutes - max! Cool them down, serve! Enjoy! |
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Ура! Спасибо за отзыв. Удачных экспериментов!
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Спасибо за вопрос. Для первого этапа измельчениях я использую kitchenaid или Sage.
Olga Nikolaevna
Чт, 24 Февраля 2022г. 11:30
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Спасибо за ответ! Я вчера случайно нашла ваш сайт, он очень классный :) все рецепты так детально описаны, что кажется, что всё это легко и просто можно приготовить, фото-шедевры! Спасибо большое за ваш труд!
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Точно не самая обычная. Моя самая удо Надя миска для смешивания из икеи 10-летней давности разбилась и я сейчас в поиске удобной хорошей миски, таких у нас в России точно нет. Уже даже поискала на Алиэкспересс-тоже такой с ручкой нет.
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